Things are required to work differently now in order to minimise risks of infection spread. Of course, hygiene has always been important in therapy settings and below you can see updates and details of the further steps I am taking.

I have also completed the World Health Organisation Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) training for Coronavirus (certificate available).

Infection Control
This is obviously the key priority and something I have undertaken further certified training for. For your treatment I will be wearing a visor, mask, gloves and a disposable apron, just like other close contact occupations are required to do. It is a requirement now to massage in sterile gloves. Clients have found that this makes no difference.

No towels will be used to cover the treatment table. Instead, paper couch roll, which you may well have seen at your GP’s or used by massage therapists at sports events, will be used and disposed of after each session.

The table itself, all other equipment, door handles, hand rails etc are cleaned even more thoroughly prior to and between appointments.

Hand sanitiser is in abundance and you are expected to wear a mask.

Time in Contact
Whenever possible we will gather information about your health and your needs via email or phone, so that we can get straight on to treatment as quickly as possible when we meet.

New regulations require that client consent is given in advance and quickly checked again at the start of the appointment. It is also a requirement that we each declare that we have no Covid-19 symptoms and that as far as we are aware have not been in contact with any one with Covid-19 during the preceding 14 days.

Ross Health and Fitness Centre
We have a separate room that is for treatment purposes only. We do also use other areas of the gym, for example we might try out certain exercises or film you on a treadmill for analysis. The gym is well laid out and well ventilated.
Abergavenny Back and Neck Clinic (Tuesdays)
We have established a good system with my clients using the back door, so there's no contact with other clients entering through the front door to see my colleague Gary. I have exclusive use of the whole upstairs area.

Clients treated at their homes
This is still possible, when not under further lockdown measures. All the PPE and hygiene requirements described above will be adhered to and you are in control of who comes in and out of your home. Obviously a suitable space is needed and the more ventilated this can be the better. I’m very happy to discuss this with you individually to ensure we can make this as safe an option as possible.

So things are different, but not impossible and I am as committed as ever to helping you move well and reduce pain. I have undertaken even more further study during lockdown and continue to do so – there is always more to learn, new discoveries – so who knows, I may even have some new answers for some of those persistent aches and niggles!



(07855 661524)                     BOOK NOW ROSS ON WYE
                                              BOOK NOW ABERGAVENNY

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